The cost for college tuition is absolutely too high, and the average student is taking out $20,000 per year in student loans at state colleges and paying over $1200 a year for textbooks. All I can say to that is; ouch. But what if you go to a vocational school to learn a trade, skill, or get the training for a specific job? Does that make more sense because when you get out you will be qualified to work in a given industry? Remember you have to pay those student loans back, so perhaps a vocational school might be the right ticket, even though the regulatory authorities seem to have come down on vocational colleges for suggesting there will be guaranteed jobs when you graduate. The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance who lives in the upper Midwest and he decided that he would study marketing. He explained to me that; "Marketing will always be needed, and every great concept needs a voice." Well, that's absolutely true isn't it? It hardly matters what a company ...